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Video - Babies photography today Eusoff & Emelia are behaving well today during the photoshoot so far - Alhamdulillah. They sleep throughout which makes the shoot super easy . We chose @newborn.heartshotfocus because they have a great team and very professional - we discussed in great length of the concept planned. They handled the babies with ease while Mommy & Daddy just sit and watch - Haha Highly Recommended Salam Everyone Love As Always PS - Its best to shoot newborns below 2 weeks old as they are still very flexible . Will share the results nanti . Theme Astronaut / Doctor / Muslim & Muslimah @newborn.heartshotfocus

Video - Babies photography today Eusoff & Emelia...

Video - Me handling Tasha ... Tasha is 7 years old but I feel she’s already behaving like a teenager ... She seems to have all the answers and speaking her own mind ... Haha I try to be their BFF communicating in an adult way on a one to one basis ... The last thing I want is for them to hold and hide their emotions . A child needs to open up and express their frustrations & anger from a very young age and I hope to be their shoulder to cry on during these times ... It’s good for their well being in the long run . Salam Everyone Love As Always ... Just sharing ...

Video - Me handling Tasha ... Tasha is 7 years old...